Monday, 28 December 2020

Palta McGilligan

Bhu shundi

Pra bhu



Maitreyi Saraswati Yajnavalkya

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Hill Mount

To make the earth remain solid and compact, Brahmâ  like iron nails on a log of wood, so these hills and mountains within this earth made it fixed.



O King! 
  1. The name of this earth is Medinî, since it was made out of the marrow of the two Asuras Madhu and Kaitabha. 
  2. This earth is termed Dharâ because it supports all; 
  3. is termed Prithvî because it is very capacious; and 
  4. it is called Mahî because it is great, since it supports so many beings.

Wednesday, 30 September 2020



 1 Sri Narada said: Asked by whom, and for what reason did Lord Krsna, the master of the universes, come to the earth? O best of the knowers of the Vedas, please tell.

2 Sri Narayana Rsi said: In ancient times, during the Varaha-kalpa, bearing a great burden and filled with grief, the earth took shelter of the demigod Brahma.

3 Accompanied by hosts of demigods, who were all unhappy at heart to be so troubled by the demons, she went to the assembly of Brahma, which is very difficult to attain.

4 There she saw Brahma, the king of the demigods, who shone with spiritual power, who was cheerfully served by the kings of the rsis, munis and siddhas…

5 …who happily smiled as he glanced at the Apsaras dancing and listened to the Gandarvas beautiful singing,…

6 …and who chanted the two most sacred syllables Krs-na, the hairs of his body erect and his eyes filled with tears of the ecstasy of devotion.

7 O sage, accompanied by the demigods, the earth goddess then devotedly offered here respectful obeisances to four-faced Brahma and told him how she was burdened by the demons.

8 The hairs of her body erect and her eyes filled with tears, she offered prayers and wept. Brahma, the creator of the universe said to her: Why do you offer prayers and weep?

9 O beautiful one, why have you come? Please tell. It will be auspicious. Be steady. O beautiful one, why are you afraid of me?

10 Brahma comforted the earth-goddess and then respectfully asked the demigods, why have you come to me?

11 Hearing Brahma’s words, the demigods said to Prajapati Brahma: O Lord, the earth is overcome by the demons and we also are in the demons’ grip.

12 You are the creator of the worlds. Please stop (the demons). O Brahma, the earth has taken shelter of you. You should stop (the demons).

13 O grandfather, the earth is now tormented by the burden (of many demons). We are also tortured by them. Please remove the burden (they have brought).

14 After hearing the demigods’ words, Brahma, the creator of the worlds said to the earth-goddess: Child, throw your fears far away. Stand happily before me.

15 O Lotus-eyed one, who has brought this burden you cannot bear? O beautiful one, I will take away your burden. Things will be auspicious for you. That is certain.

16 When she heard these words, even though she was anxious and unhappy, she made her eyes and face cheerful and she anxiously spoke to him.

17 The earth goddess said: Father, please listen and I will tell the suffering in my heart. I cannot tell this to any but a faithful friend.

18 A weak woman should always be protected by her father, husband, sons and other relatives.

19 O father of the worlds, you created me. I am not shy to tell you. Listen, and I will tell you who has brought the burden that crushes me.

20 I cannot bear the burden of carrying great sinners that have no devotion to Lord Krsna and that blaspheme the devotees.

21 I am crushed by carrying the burden of they who do not perform their religious duties, who never do what they should, and who have no faith in the Vedas.

22 I cannot carry the burden of they who do not maintain their father, mother, guru, wife, sons and grandsons.

23 I am crushed by the burden of carrying they who speak lies, who have neither mercy nor truth, and who insult their spiritual masters.

24 I am crushed by the burden of carrying they who become enemies to their friends, who are ungrateful, who bear false witness, who are faithless, and who rob what is given them to protect.

25 I am crushed by the burden of carrying they who sell the auspicious Vedic prayers and hymns and the most auspicious name of Lord Hari.

26 I am crushed by carrying the burden of murderers, they who become enemies of their spiritual master, brahmanas who misuse the Vedic rituals, they who hunt animals, they who have transformed their body into a crematorium for burning the flesh of dead animals, and brahmanas who eat what sudras offer them.

27 I am crushed by the burden of carrying the fools who hinder the performance of worship, yajna, fasting, vows and sense-control.

28 I am crushed by carrying the burden of sinners who hate the cows, brahmanas, demigods, Vaisnavas, Lord Hari and devotion to hearing the glories of Lord Hari.

29 O Brahma, these demons crush me even more than Sankhacuda crushed me in the past.

30 I, who have no shelter, have told you everything. Please give me shelter. O Lord, please solve my problem.

31 After speaking these words the earth-goddess wept again and again. Seeing her weep, Brahma, who was an ocean of kindness said to her: I will remove the burden of these demons.

32 O earth, the remedy will come. In due course of time my master will remove your burden.


Monday, 29 June 2020


Karalajanaka was advised by Vasishta as per Mahabharata Shantiparva Chapter s 302- 308.


On another occasion Janaka had a discussion with the sage Parashara on prosperity as per Mahabharata Shantiparva Chapter 296.


Once the sage Mandavya asked Janaka many questions on mirages that he answered as per Mahabharata Shantiparva Chapter 296.


Once the king Kshemadarshi fought Janaka. When Janaka was about to lose, the sage Kalakavrikshiya advised him to give his daughter to Kshemadarshi and make peace. Janala dod so as per Mahabharata Shantiparva Chapter 106 verse 21.


Once a king named Pratarddana fought Janaka. Janaka’s army stood flummoxed but he showed them sights of heaven and hell and motivated them as per Shantiparva Chapter 99 verse 4.



After Ravana captured Sita and she was living in the Ashoka grove, he sent a rakshasa named Marutta in the form of Janaka to influence her. But Sita did not relent as per Kambaramayana Sundarakanda.


Seeradhwaja was childless when once he found a baby in a furrow. He wanted to raise her as his own and at that instant, a divine voice asked him to do exactly that. This was Sita as per Ramayana Ayodhyakanda Sarga 118.

Kushadhwaja had 3 daughters-

  1. Urmila(married to Lakshmana), 
  2. Mandavi (married to Bharata) and 
  3. Shrutakeerthi (married to Shatrughna) 
as per Ramayana Balakanda Sarga 71.

Note Sita one son is named Kusha


Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Bhugarbha Goswami

To avoid material distractions, Bhugarbha Goswami would perform his worship to Krishna in a cave. Because of this, he received the name Bhugarabha (bhu means "earth," garbha means "cave" or "hidden place").

Disciple of

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Sri Rama Rajyam / Times / Facebook / Tube

After Playing Sita role 

She was brought up as a Syrian Christian. On 7 August 2011, she embraced Hinduism at the Arya Samaj Temple in Chennai. She has gone through Shuddhi Karma, a procedure involving a Vedic purification and a Homam where she chanted the hymns from the Veda and the Gayatri Mantra under the guidance of the priest. After the purification ceremony, a Certificate of Conversion to Hinduism was issued to her, and her stage name, Nayanthara, became her official name.


Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Ashtavakra Guru of Janak's Guru / Video's / Gita / Links




Place / Radha Krishna / Samadhi

Ashtavakra began to roar in the assembly. He said, “O Vandi! Answer my questions. I shall answer yours.” 

  1. Vandi Fire is only one which blazes in various forms. One is the Sun that illumines the Universe. One is the hero, Indra, the Lord of the Celestials. One is Yama, the sole Lord of the Pitris (ancestors). 
  2. Ashtavakra The two friends, Agni and Indra move together. The celestial sages are two, Narada and Parvata. The Aswins are two. The wheels of a car are two. Two are the husband and wife, who live together as ordained by the deity. 
  3. Vandi Three kinds of beings are born as the results of their acts. Three are the Vedas that perform the Vajapeya sacrifice. At three different times the Adhvaryus commence sacrifice. Three also are the divine lights. 
  4. Ashtavakra Four are the Ashramas of the Brahmanas; four orders perform sacrifices; four are the cardinal points; four is the number of letters; and four also are the legs of a cow. 
  5. Vandi Five is the number of fires; five are the feet of Punki (a metre); five are the sacrifices; five locks are on the heads of the Apsaras; and five are the sacred rivers in the world. 
  6. Ashtavakra Six cows are given as Dakshina on establishing the sacred fire; six are the seasons that belong to the wheel of time; six stars form the constellation Krittika; and the Vedas say six is the number of Sadyasaka sacrifice. 
  7. Vandi Seven is the number of domestic animals; seven also is the number of wild animals; seven metres are used in completing a sacrifice; seven are the Rishis; seven are the forms of paying homage; and seven are the strings of the Vina. 
  8. Ashtavakra Eight are the bags that hold hundredfold; eight is the number of the Sarabha, which preys upon lions; eight are the Vasus amongst the celestials; and eight are the angles of a Yupa (stake) in a sacrifice. Vandi Nine is the number of the Mantras used in kindling the fire in a sacrifice to the Pitris; nine are the fixed functions in the progress of creation; nine letters compose the foot of Vrihati (a metre); and nine also are numbers in calculation. 
  9. Ashtavakra Ten is the number of the cardinal points; ten times hundred makes a thousand; ten is the number of months of woman’s conception; ten are the teachers of true knowledge; ten are the haters of knowledge; and ten are capable of attaining it. 
  10. Vandi Eleven are the objects of enjoyment; eleven is the number of Yupas (sacrificial stake); eleven are the natural states of all living creatures; eleven are the Rudras among the celestials in heaven. 
  11. Ashtavakra Twelve are the months in a year; twelve letters compose a foot of Fajati (a metre); twelve are the sacrifices; and twelve is the number of the Adityas. 
  12. Vandi Thirteen lunar days are most auspicious; and thirteen islands exist on earth. Having said this Vandi stopped. Thereupon Ashtavakra completed the other half of the Sloka. Ashtavakra Thirteen sacrifices are presided over by Keshi and thirteen are devoured by Atichandas of the Vedas. 
Vandi was sitting silent with head downcast. Ashtavakra was roaring in the assembly. All men rose in great uproar.


Monday, 6 January 2020

Aushada kumar

A minister of King Vaideha of Mithila, on the King’s orders, was looking for an exceptional seven-year-old boy when he came across the magnificent township of Yavamajjhaka. The minister learnt that the architect was none other than Aushada Kumar, a reincarnation of Bodhisattva. After a few tests that the seven-year old passed with flying colours, the King adopted the genius from Yavamajjhaka. 

Aushad Kumar Then Defeated all Kings of World and Made  Mithila Capital of World
